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docuteam packer is an application for preparing data for a digital archive. packer turns your files into a Submission Information Package (SIP). This contains the files and folders of the submission as well as technical, structural and descriptive metadata.

Flexibly configurable

docuteam packer can be configured flexibly according to the needs of the archive. This includes not only the language, the levels of description and the levels of description hierarchy, but also the available metadata fields and their validation.

Overview and editing

A navigable tree structure displays the components of the package and their properties. Elements can be moved within the structure using drag and drop. New elements can also be inserted, or existing elements can be sorted, replaced, renamed or deleted.

Level assignment

Levels of description can be assigned to the package elements, considering a definable level hierarchy.

Clean up file/folder names

File and folder names can be cleaned up according to definable patterns. For example, individual characters can be replaced, names can be shortened to a certain length, or prefixes and suffixes can be added.

Check checksums

The integrity of the files can be checked, with the execution and result of such a check being recorded in the metadata.

Find and remove duplicates

Identical files can be displayed and deleted.

Delete cassation elements

Elements that are for cassation and have been marked accordingly can be deleted with a corresponding action.

File migrations

In docuteam packer, individual files can be migrated to another file format directly from the detailed view of a package.

Submission agreements

Submission agreements make it possible to check whether there are objects with unwanted file formats in a package by specifying permitted file formats and to delete these directly. In addition, further details can be stored in the submission agreement, such as details of the archive, the submitting organization or details of individual submissions.

Capturing technical metadata

Technical and administrative metadata is automatically extracted and recorded by docuteam packer. This includes size, format, mime type and format identification in accordance with PRONOM.

Logging using events

Manipulations to the data – such as moving, renaming or deleting – are logged as PREMIS events and saved as metadata.

Indexing with descriptive metadata

Content indexing is carried out using descriptive metadata if required. The available fields, their naming and validation logic can be configured for each level of description.


docuteam packer offers the option of displaying files in a preview.

The result: a Matterhorn METS package

Your folders and files have become a Submission Information Package. This not only contains the folders and files themselves, but also extensive information about these folders and files in the form of technical, structural and descriptive metadata. The transmission chain, which is a prerequisite for data backup and preservation over long periods of time, has begun. Your data is now ready to be handed over to a digital long-term archive for further processing and backup.

Matterhorn METS

docuteam packer generates a Matterhorn METS SIP.

Matterhorn METS is a data and metadata model based on widely used, established and publicly available standards:

  • METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) as a container format
  • PREMIS (Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategies) ffor technical and administrative metadata
  • EAD (Encoded Archival Description) for descriptive metadata

And much more

Open Source

docuteam packer is open source and freely available.


Templates allow a structure to be used multiple times when creating a package.

Package creation based on a csv file

Packages can also be created based on a csv file that contains the metadata and paths to the files and folders. A configuration file provides the necessary flexibility.


The previous version can optionally be saved as a backup for each saving process.


docuteam packer lets you export primary data, metadata or reports.


Generate a report on the package, optionally also a cassation report, which only contains the elements that have been marked as cashed.


docuteam packer speaks several languages.


We are always available to answer your questions and discuss your specific concerns and needs.

Which fields should be available at which levels of description and whether a field is mandatory or not can be configured.

Yes, you can use validators to ensure that fields are filled consistently.

No, the names of the levels of description are freely definable.

The typical use case for docuteam packer is unstructured or poorly structured files that need to be processed manually. Tools such as docuteam toolbox or docuteam feeder are available for the automated or semi-automated processing of extensive collections or mass digitised data.

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